We want:

  1. HD cameras, max quality for faces and license plates.
  2. With security style zonal within parts of the picture motion detection(many are whole camera motion which is useless except for detecting that you are driving the car)
  3. To auto record clips to an on board SD card
  4. Which automatically deletes the oldest recording for the newest recording when the SD card is full. Many products which advertize the above features fail in reality.
  5. Don't care or desperately need the other features that the manufacturers include.
  6. Not having network access is a feature, in terms of privacy law (see below), wiretapping law , constitutionality, do not open without cause or warrant, avoiding being a witness against gangs, reduced IT staffing burden, distributed recording spoils criminals stealing the central DVR.
  7. "No Spy" disclosure stickers have been printed.
  8. See nospy disclosure stickers here: motion detect camera sticker 20 stickers for $20.
  9. In a Robot Radio Controlled Vehicle (ROV-UAV), vehicle etc a network becomes important.







http://www.aele.org/apa/jordan-newlondon.html (court rules ok to police rejecting applicants with higher intelligence test scores)








Thursday, October 22, 2015

Warrant-less Helo Surveillance Ruled Unconstitutional

The New Mexico State Police violated the U.S. Constitution when it overflew a suspected marijuana plantation, according to an Oct. 19 New Mexico Supreme Court document. On Aug. 23, 2006, as part of “Operation Yerba Buena 2006,” the police used a pair of Army National Guard helicopters to search for marijuana plants on the property of Norman Davis, reportedly flying as low as 50 ft above ground to make a positive identification. When ground officers confronted Davis, he gave written consent to search his property, leading to his arrest. Though Davis’ initial allegations of the search as unconstitutional were denied by a district court, the New Mexico Supreme Court on Monday determined that the warrant-less aerial search—low enough to alarm neighbors and cause property damage from blowing debris—violated the Fourth Amendment. "The prolonged hovering close enough to the ground to cause interference with Davis’ property transformed this surveillance from a lawful observation of an area left open to public view to an unconstitutional intrusion into Davis’ expectation of privacy," the court document stated. As a result, evidence gathered during the search has been suppressed and Davis' conviction reversed.

. In a Remote control vehicle-UAV etc the network becomes important. For remote live monitoring the internet connection becomes important, this may be left to individual property owners to contract for technical service directly with a company of their choice.

